Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Fatassco Fridge

Finally back online. We had a small problem with the fans on our server...they died a not so slow death until we really couldn't turn the server on at all except to make sure we were taping Family Guy. New fans arrived today and were promptly installed......ah, the silence.

Finals are over. I had the A&P final at 9:30 and the Algebra final at 11:30. Now I get 10 whole days off. I'm not technically off the whole time though, because I promised the Vascular lab I'd go in during break and finish up my projects before I start going to the Eastside specialty clinic when the new quarter starts. I'm hoping it won't take more than a day or two to do that. I'm definitely taking off tomorrow though. I shall be watching Grey's Anatomy Season 1, which my mother in law was kind enough to send us. I have to watch it fast because the older child is threatening to take it home with her.

Now for an appalling discovery, what J is calling the refrigerator manufactured by Fatassco:


You have got to be kidding me.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


I haven't been posting because all I have been doing is studying for finals next week. I only have to take tests in two classes - I was supposed to write a final paper for my online course, but it the instructor said today that it was optional. At least I think he said that. He said he would only grade it and average it in if it would make a difference in our final grade. I'm pretty sure that means that we don't have to do it at all, but I'm trying to clarify that.

One thing I've discovered ..... if I don't call the folks back home, then there's no contact, 'cause they sure don't call me. Got a few emails, but no phone calls.

The Sopranos was awesome. If you didn't get to see it, that's too bad. If you've never seen it, you can get all past seasons on DVD now, so you should be heading to the video store as soon as you can. Sundays are something to look forward to again.

More later, probably after finals.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Harry Potter, Tony Soprano

Today was a major study day for me because I have two tests tomorrow and a paper due in Biomedical Ethics. So Miss K had herself a Harry Potter marathon. We picked up the new one on Wednesday and she watched all of them in order.

Luckily, the marathon was over by 8:30, because The Sopranos returns tonight after a 2 year absence. I feel a little bad that I'm this excited about a television show.

It wasn't all TV today though, because it was absolutely beautiful out today. We took the dogs out to walk around Green was it crowded. Everyone is hungry for sunshine.

Oh, and J bought new shoes today. This is a major occurrence, and therefore worthy of noting.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

My brother-in-law is a hate dealer

John registered his porsche today and Georgia decided he looked evil....yes, he's a hate dealer all right.


Ribbon Candy Hair

Today on the bus I sat behind an African American woman with fascinating hair. It looked like long shiny strands of old fashioned ribbon candy. I couldn't stop staring at it. It looked so cool, but I can't imagine the time it would take to do something like that to your hair. It looked real but maybe it was extensions - I can never tell. Yesterday on the bus I sat across the aisle from a really stinky guy. Sometimes the bus is interesting, and sometimes it's gross. Today was a more interesting day.

Pictures are up in the gallery of Mary's visit last weekend. There aren't many, but she wasn't here very long either.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Loving a gamer

Something fun for this rainy day....the man sent me this, and I think it's hysterical. If you've ever loved a gamer, you might recognize these guys. Check it out: Tripod

Also for fascinating reading, check out a website called Post Secret, where people send in postcards with deep, dark secrets. There's a book about them too, which is now on my wishlist.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Too much food

Last night we went to the Melting Pot, a fondue restaurant. It was fun, but I personally ate way too much of the cheese and bread fondue, so could barely eat the meat course, and couldn't even look at dessert. Then today we went to brunch at the Space Needle, which was really nice, but I was still full from last night so I could barely eat half my meal there.

After the Space Needle we took Mary to Pike's Place Market so we could make sure she hit all the key tourist areas of Seattle. Too bad it wasn't a little warmer today - but they still had the water going at the fountain outside Key Arena, and kids were still running around getting soaked.

How did Brokeback Mountain NOT win Best Picture? Shocking....I must rent Crash again, and this time I'll watch it. Good for Phillip Seymour Hoffman though, he's cool.

Friday, March 03, 2006


We're getting a visitor tomorrow! The man's mom is coming in from PA for a convention, and will be staying with us a couple of nights. Since she's never been to Seattle, we're going to do the best touristy things. We'll have brunch at the Space Needle, and go to Pike's Place Market. We don't get visitors very often, so we're very excited. At the very least, it's given us an excuse to finish our unpacking (from 7 months ago!) Since we decided to stay here for at least another year instead of buying a house we thought it would be cool if it actually looked like we were living here instead of just traveling through. Also finally got some new pictures posted in the gallery from Christmas and our Mt. St. Helen's trip. I'm still trying to get the Vegas pics up but the server is fighting me. Managed to get about half of them posted before it punked out again.

I'll be spending tomorrow at the Sew Expo in Pyallaup. I'm taking a class on machine quilting and something called "It's not a quilt until it's quilted." Truer words were never spoken.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Vegas, Baby

We just got back from a long weekend in Vegas with my brother and his wife. We didn't lose too much, and we easily achieved our goal of collecting 50 unique hooker cards - making it a fairly successful weekend. Finally got to see the Star Trek Experience too, which was cool but I'm really glad we bought the half price tickets, because $40 is kinda steep for the museum and two simulator rides. The best part of the experience was the Warp Core Breach, a 10-shot fishbowl o' fun!

We discovered that Vegas has about a 4 day shelf life. No matter how much fun you're having, in 4 days you just want to go home.