Sunday, April 05, 2009

Sunny Day...Chasing the Blues Away

What an awesome weekend we've had in Seattle. The weather was fantastic, around 69 and beautifully sunny. On Saturday we picked the girls up at the airport and then Jay and I went to Blu Water Cafe to have some brunch. We had invited the girls but they were tired and didn't want to go.

The Blu Water is one of those reasons why I love living here. It's just a funky little restaurant right on Green Lake, and like most restaurants here they throw open all of the windows and doors on sunny days and they put lots of tables outside and everyone just enjoys being outside and getting some fresh air. Plus, they had sent us a $20 gift card to come and eat there, so our delicious brunch, including mimosas, cost us only $13 plus tip. We got home early enough to do some yard work so we got the grass cut for the first time this season.

Today we got up really early, thanks to the beagles of course. Decided to stay up and take advantage of the great weather. So we headed to the grocery store, and then we walked the dogs down to and around Green Lake. Boy, was that place crowded! So many people and dogs everywhere! But it was a great walk and the dogs were tired out. I made some wonderfully delicious french toast ala' Alton Brown for dinner to wind up our weekend. I have another day tomorrow to enjoy the sun because it's supposed to be even nicer then. Too bad Jason has to go back to work. I think I'll head to Green Lake again for another nice walk.


nanny joan said...

I saw on the local weather report that you were having fantastic weather. Yesterday was like that here - today not so nice and tomorrow snow flakes and cold. Aaaargh..............

You had a lovely weekend. How is it working out going up to Everett every day. Do you drive or ride b us? Had a good report from the back doctors CNP on Friday. They took x-rays and she showed them to me. Said I should be patient for about another 6 weeks and that when the weather is nice I should try taking a ten minute walk a cpl times a day.
Won't be able to do that tomorrow. Got a $5.00 haircut at the beauty school today. Pretty nice cut. Got Mare one too cause she comes up and drives me to church, bank, chapel, etc.

Sister Deb is pissed off at me again, I think, I haven't talked to her since Friday. We had some words......... oh well its ok with me but guess I will need to use share-a-ride more often because obviously she doesn't want Ben talking to me either. Warren has his surgery on Wed. and the Pod comes to Kirk that day too. Guess Mimi and Gumpa are both there now. They are leaving for the west on Friday after settlement. I pray every day and night that things go well for them and that they have a safe trip.

The girls look wonderful and I really miss having them here. Tell them hi for me and just a short e-mail once a week will be great. Hi Jason - beginngto forget what you look like - tell Kelly to send me a picture of you. Love to all, Mom