Sunday, February 01, 2009

Happy Birthday to Jay

Officially it's not until tomorrow, but we celebrated today. We actually started last night with dinner, where we met Heidi and Ray and they insisted on paying. Nice generous friends :-). We came home relatively early to a houseful, as Kelsey had another of her 4 person sleepovers again yesterday.

This morning we slept in way too late, and hit the grocery store which was positively PACKED! I guess everybody waited until the last minute to pick up their Super Bowl snacks and the lines were actually down the aisles. Crazy!

I spent most of the day yesterday cooking chimichangas for Kelsey's sleepover and making Jason's birthday treat which was a turtle cheescake. Today I spent more time cooking, making ribs, cornbread, fried potatoes and peas for dinner. The turtle cheesecake was absolutely fantastic, and I am making him take the rest of it to work tomorrow so I'm not tempted to eat the rest of it by myself. I had purchased Kelsey a piece of chocolate cake since she doesn't like cheesecake, but Trixie helped herself to most of it while we were getting the rest of the plates and coffee ready. She's such a bad dog.

Then we went down to the U Village to the bookstore and Jason got to pick himself up a new book for his birthday present. Back home in time to see the Steelers win the Super Bowl and then a new episode of The Office. All in all, a pretty good day.


nanny joan said...

Happy Birthday Jason - I guess I never really knew when your birthday was - sounds like a great dinner and wish I could have had a little piece of that cheesecake. Bet the co-workers loved you all day, at least until it was gone. ha ha.......

I forget when the girls are coming - will they be here the same time as Kirk and Rip. They are coming 3/4-3/9. Aunt Claire is coming tomorrow for the weekend. Love to all.......