Friday, January 30, 2009


This morning, we experienced our first earthquake (and by we, I mean our little family, not Seattle in general). It turned out to be just a very small 4.6 one and the epicenter was a bit north of here. I woke up with the bed shaking..just a little bit but enough to notice. I was half asleep, and I thought it was from Zac, that maybe he was kicking the bedpost while scratching or something. Then I went back to sleep and didn't even remember it. I read about the earthquake this morning on the Seattle Times news site, and thought wow we didn't feel it here.

Then Kelsey came home from school and asked if I felt the earthquake this morning. I said no, and she said it woke her up and her bed was shaking. Then I remembered that my bed was shaking too! So yes, I did feel the earthquake! No damage, no lasting effects, but definitely felt by at least me and Kelsey. Jason slept through it, and I haven't talked to Megan to see if she felt it or not.

So we've lived through our first earthquake. I hope it's the last :-)


nanny joan said...

oh the excitement you get living in Seattle. I would love to be able to ride the bus all over town like I did when I watched the beagles - I would not like to have been there alone when the earthquake hit though. Knowing Pooh she slept right thru it. I can't believe Kelsey didn't come up to your room to see if you felt it too. Well this is your third year there and you have experienced every weather phenonomen Seattle has.......... What next.