Sunday, November 05, 2006

On Cultural Movie-Film for making Benefits of Us

Jay and I went to see the Borat movie yesterday. Holy cow, was that ever funny. The theater was packed, and I wound up sitting next to some guy who reeked of alchohol and kept swigging from a flask during the whole movie, but I still enjoyed it. Warning though, it's not for everyone. It helps to be familiar with Sacha Baron Cohen and the stuff he's done before, and parts of it is kind of ewwww graphic, but we both liked it a lot.

Afterwards we went to McGrath's Fish House, since Kelsey was sleeping on her friend's boat again. Then I quilted the rest of the night while Jay went to a friend's birthday party. I watched Saving Private Ryan while he was gone...I thought Band of Brothers was infinitely better. I think I'm in an anti-Tom Hanks phase for some reason.

Oh, and for those who have been expecting packages from me for like.....forever - I finally made it to the post office yesterday! The nephew is getting his in two pieces, mainly because of shipping box sizes and lack of packing material. Part two is coming with me on the plane at Thanksgiving.

Thanks yous, very nice, great success.


nanny joan said...

just finished reading all your news - pooh sure will be glad when that bag gets here. I wonder what it's like to do grown up stuff - I really don't have anyone to do grownup stuff with, and besides I seem to be in a rut again. I want so much to get down to DE but I can't seem to connect with the right people, and then i can't find the time to go. Hopefully I will get to speak to the lady at the realty company today and then work something out for next week-end. My sister Claire and Becky are supposed to come down this week-end and they want to go to Peddler's Village on Saturday so that shoots this weekend. I cannot go during the week next week because I am working this Thur Fri Mon Tues and Wed next week so that sets me back another whole week if I don't get to go tomorrow.

Can you send some pics of you and Kelsey so I can see how the training is going?

Pooh was real good about the new house rules - she has no problem with paying a "little bit of rent" and she says all I have to do is ask her when I want something done. She warned me though that she doesn't want to be Cinderella (you know - clean the bathroom dust the house run the cleaner Cinderella Cinderella Cinderella.) Poor Cinderella Pooh!!!

Her ride called at 7:25 a.m. today and said she was not going into work. That left us both scrambling. Good thing I didn't have to go in to work this morning. Trudy called me last night and said she would rather be busy at work while she is "waiting" and so I only have to do the eye doctor thing this afternoon.

My sister should be having her procedure about now and I really should probably drive down to the Med Ctr and see how she made out.

I also have to get some bottled water and soda for the house. I just don't feel like doing anything. Oh well - I feel like that a lot so what's new.

Anonymous said...

i am definitely pro-tomhanks. esp. in private ryan. although i am disappointed that private ryan turns out to be matt damon.