Sunday, March 29, 2009

I can haz pet feeder?

I am lusting over this product I saw today, called the Perfect Pet Feeder. It's a pet feeder that dispenses dry food on a schedule in preprogrammed amounts. Apparently, it's top of the line, and much better than similar models because it's designed that pets can't get into it and it feeds one or two pets. Here's a beagle enjoying it:

The motivation is mostly so we can maybe sleep in on the weekends once in a while instead of being a slave to Zac's stomach, which insists on being fed at 6:30 on the dot.

But $500? Criminy. They got me all excited, and then they knocked me down.

Friday, March 27, 2009

It's Alive!

It's been a long time dear readers. I apologize for the lack of updates, and I have no excuse for it really. I just have not felt the motivation lately to write, and I haven't had anything really interesting to write about either.

I still don't have anything interesting, but I'm going to update anyway. I just returned from a week in PA visiting my family. It was nice to go back but it's always so tiring, and I'm happy to be back home in Seattle and sleeping in my own bed surrounded by beagle love. I did get to spend some good quality time with mom, and my brother and sister (Kirk was visiting from Austin) so that was nice. The weather was pretty good too.

The girls are getting ready to fly there late tonight. Their flight actually leaves a little after midnight, and they have a long traveling day ahead of them because they have a sucky flight with two plane changes before they get to Harrisburg. At the time I made the reservations it was the cheapest available way to get there, and now there's no backing out or changing. On the way back they only change planes once though so that's not so bad.

I start my new clinical site on Tuesday so I have a couple of days to take advantage of my break before I start in again. I also really have to start studying physics hard core because I have to take the Physics exam soon as part of graduation. I have all of the study materials, it's just a matter of I see a theme here.

Well, this hasn't been much of an update, but at least it's a start.