Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Closest I Ever Want To Be

Today Jason and Kelsey and I went to the Southcenter Mall to shop for shoes for Jason. We'd never been there before, and it's down near the airport so not close by, but a friend at work said it was pretty nice and had lots of stores, so we decided to try it out.

Jay bought his shoes, we went to Borders and got some books and about 3:00 we were kind of ready to go so we wandered out to the car and took off.

At 3:45, THIS happened.

Holy crap! Turns out the people that were in the mall were like detained and locked down for hours until they were able to leave, not to mention the running and chaos inside.

Thank you Kelsey for being bored and ready to leave, because if you weren't there, I so would have still been in the mall when the shooting happened. Even though it's not like a maniac was loose and shooting up strangers, it's still pretty scary to think about being in a situation like that. I think we'll stick to the malls closer to home from now on!


Anonymous said...

I read about the shooting last night and my first thought was that you all might have been there - but then I realized it was pretty far from you (I was there after the sewing thing, I think) - so I stopped worrying!!! I guess there is no perfectly safe place to be. Love you and take care, M/M/M

nanny joan said...

I too saw it on the news but did not really know where Twila (?) was, but did not think it was one of the malls you usually went to. Like Mary says we really are not safe anywhere anymore. Please take care of yourselves - I know you are very sensible people. Was Kelsey freaked?
Love, Mom