Monday, June 23, 2008

I Don't Want No Scrubs

Today was the start of summer quarter - last one before clinicals start! It's only 7 weeks, so real short. Lots of lab this quarter so we can get as much scanning time as possible before we have to do it on real patients. Our instructor told us that we have to start wearing scrubs to school, just as if we were in a hospital setting, so Heidi and I went scrub shopping after class. They really do make some cute looking ones! I got two pairs of pants and three tops, and that'll be my outfit three times a week until mid August. Yay, elastic waist pants!

Meg comes home tomorrow - we've missed her. Kelsey was in Aberdeen with her friend most of last week and is enjoying her summer break so far. Jay and I are counting down the days until we go to New Zealand....his boss is actually moving there too, he got a job working for the company that will be doing the new Hobbit movie. Jason is immensely jealous and said we should look into moving there as well. If I didn't have another year of school.......but Kelsey said even though that would be kind of cool, not a lot of bands tour New Zealand so she didn't think she'd be up for that. Looks like we'll stay here a while longer :-)

And to end the day...beagle porn:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Glamping Report

What a great weekend. The weather was absolutely fantastic - really, the first nice weekend we've had this summer. It was warm and sunny and so relaxing. We left the house right on time at noon and were on the road to Anacortes for our 1.5 hour drive to the ferry terminal. Got to the ferry and got in line with all the other mainland people looking for some island fun.

Loaded up the car on the ferry and had a lovely one hour ride across the strait to Friday Harbor. Then it was a mere 10 minute drive or so to the Lakedale resort. Check out our Glamping Tent!

And the view from the front of the tent across the lake to the lodge!

Lovely, isn't it? We made hamburger foil packets for dinner and smores for dessert, courtesy of our cozy fire, and enjoyed some cosmopolitans courtesy of Smirnoff. By the time we were ready to go to bed it was FREEZING! We utilized both the duvets and some blankets and were soon warm and toasty.

One bad thing about camping is the close proximity of neighbors, especially those with young crying children that like to get up at 6:30. However, we managed to block out the cries and sleep until 10:30. We missed the continental breakfast because we slept so late so we used our shower tokens (2 dollars for 5 minutes of hot water), got dressed and headed to town for breakfast. We ate at this cute restaurant right on the water and celebrated my birthday morning with champagne mimosas and a great breakfast in the sun.

The rest of the day we just explored. Drove around the island and just stopped wherever we felt like it...stops included Lime Kiln point, where we watched for whales and saw a lighthouse (and a dolphin and a sea lion, but no whales), then we stopped at the English Camp, where the British were stationed during the 50 year "Pig War" that decided which country the San Juan Islands would belong to (we won!), and finally Roche Harbor. Roche Harbor is on the opposite end of the Island from Friday Harbor and is a really cute quaint little town. We sat on a deck by the marina and had some beers while listening to some live music and watching the boats.

We came back home fairly early on Sunday, since we managed to wake up early enough to catch the breakfast and the 11:00 ferry service back to Anacortes. It was a wonderful birthday weekend and very relaxing.

Oh, and grades - I'm still waiting on one, but it's two A's and two A-'s so far.

Monday, June 09, 2008

One down, Three to go

Vascular final today - absolute killer. Probably one of the hardest tests I've ever taken. I have no idea how I did, but not my best work by far. I'm pretty sure I passed though, and therefore passed the class so I'm not super worried. Just glad it's over. Tomorrow is the Echo final, Wednesday my Pathology final, and Thursday OB/GYN final. I sure hope none of them are as tough as the one I took today. The Echo final won't be bad I think - and our teacher is treating us to pizza after the test is done, and we'll eat while we grade it so we'll know our final grades right away. Cool.

Can't wait until Friday, and off to San Juan Islands!