Saturday, May 17, 2008

It's Hot

Yesterday a strange glowing orb appeared in the Seattle we had not seen for quite a whle. In one day, the complaints in the house went from "I'm cold" to "It's hot in here".

Temps hit 85 for us yesterday, with more of the same forecast today. That's it though, it'll be back down to the mid 60's by Sunday and next week more rain. But we'll enjoy it while we can...we plan to either go to Golden Gardens beach today, or may head down to the University Street Fair to hang out for a while. Yesterday Megan and I took the dogs to the park. Anyone who's been here over the summer knows that on sunny days, Seattleites head outside to lay around like pale fish and soak up some Vitamin D. Here's a picture of one of the local parks, which looks the same as every stray piece of grass available yesterday.

Last week was rough on all of us I think..I had three tests and they were all pretty hard I think. It's a relief not having to worry about tests today. Meg is having a rough time with the no smoking, but she's hanging in there for now. Jay is back to crunch time at work so he's putting in long hours again. Kelsey is just counting down the days until school is over :-(

Mom is having a carotid-to-carotid bypass on Wednesday. They elected not to do any open chest surgery, which I think is a good thing. So they'll just run a bypass from her left carotid artery, which is still working pretty good, to her right carotid artery, and hopefully that will better perfuse her brain and she'll be good to go again. She said yesterday that she's hoping to go home either today or Sunday and then back on Wednesday for the procedure. We'll all think good thoughts.


nanny joan said...

boy you guys really had some awesome sunny weather for 2 days and we had PNW weather yesterday and today with more rain than Seattle ever sees at one time. It is to be overcast and cloudy for the first four days of this coming week with temps only in the low 60s. Uugghhhhhhhh. I had a good night here at the Kiners last night. Kris and Kassidy just went to Target and Michaels but I opted to stay here and just rest. I am feeling good and Sue Miller came to see me today for a cpl hours. I don't like to wish the days away, but I am anxious for Wed to get here so I can have the surgery and get on the mend and on with the business of living. Kelly, I had a card from Mary - please pass on my thanks to her for her thoughts and prayers and let her know I think about her and Hugo and Grandma Flo all the time. I sure wish we could get together sometime this summer while you are here, but I forgot that Jason is not coming East with you. Tell Pooh I am so proud of her and I am looking forward to seeing her next month. Love to all