Thursday, November 29, 2007


It's gotten very cold here in the PNW this week. We were supposed to have snow last night, but of course that never happened. Still, very chilly only in the 30s this weekend.

Saturday is Kelsey's birthday party. I'm making the cake tomorrow, then we're going to Benihana's with her friends Ayla and Chloe on Saturday, and then a girls night at a downtown hotel. Low key, but I think it'll be pretty fun. I can't believe she'll be 16! Holy cow.

Only 2 more weeks of school before winter break. I got my ultrasound physics test back today...I thought I had failed it, but turns out I got 21 out of 20...and I DID miss some questions. I don't get how she grades, but I'm not about to question it.

I heard John got his Mini today. How exciting. I'm informed the car's name is Earl. I expect the car to have a thick redneck mustache and to always blink when you take its picture. I look forward to meeting it.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'....

Wow, I can't believe how long it's been since I updated. The whole last week just flew by. Mom and Aunt Claire were here, we had a lovely Thanksgiving, I think they they had a pretty good trip, and now it's back to the daily grind.

Thanksgiving day we had 8 for dinner...see my last post if you forgot who was coming :-). We had lots of food, lots of wine, and lots of fun. Kelsey and Bronwyn played guitar and sang, Simon brought his Guitar Hero III game, and Darcy brought a fun game called Apples to Apples, which we played after dinner. It was all very fun but man I was exhausted when it was all done. I haven't cooked a Thanksgiving dinner for a couple of years, I kind of forgot the work involved. Jay cleaned up though, bless him, which took almost as long as cooking did.

The girls took off for Leavenworth the next day, and we had a really nice two days of shopping there. I didn't go too overboard though, just a couple of small things for the dogs and for Jay. The weather was cold but the sun was shining and the sky was blue, and the drive over the mountain through Steven's Pass was stunning.

Mom and Aunt Claire left yesterday, and although I haven't talked to them, I understand they had horribly delayed flights and didn't get back to Harrisburg until 4:30 am today. Yuck and I'm sorry :-(. I sure hope that doesn't happen to us when we fly in December.

I have two more weeks until the quarter is over. I can't believe how quickly that went too. We scanned again today and I'm happy to report that my scan partner located my right kidney, and (we think) it looks fine.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Failed Pastry

So today was the last day of class for the week. We're off for Thanskgiving, and we don't have class tomorrow either so I get a nice long 5 day break while Mom and Aunt Claire are here...which is awesome. I'm going to work late tonight to get my clinical handbook project done because it's due Monday. I'm almost done. I should probably be finishing that instead of posting here, but .... things happen.

We got to scan today for the first time. It was pretty cool, except I had a really hard time finding anything on my scan partners. I'm like.."is that the liver? What's that thing? I think that's the, maybe it's the spine. Criminy, what's that?? Where's the kidney?" Yeah..first time, not so great.

And then it was my time to be the scan model. So as I lay on the table and pull my shirt up I just remind my young 20 year old partners that I'm 45 and I've had 2 kids. Don't you judge me! Anyway, it was good to actually get to practice what we've been studying for the last 8 weeks. I hope I'll be better next time.

After dinner I decided to practice a new pastry recipe that I got from the Russian girl that sits behind me in class. She brought them in for her birthday and they were really tasty so I thought I'd try it out Thanksgiving. We're having 8 people - in addition to Mom and Aunt Claire, some friends from Jay's work are joining us as well as Kelsey's guitar teacher. So I try out this recipe, all metric system measurements and all. It's like this yummy cream stuff layered with phylo dough pastry. FAIL. My cream part never set up, it was still really runny, and even though it tasted really good it was definitely not the finger food it was supposed to be. I think I'm sticking to apple pie and pumpkin pie on Thursday and skipping the Russian pastry.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

One Class Down

The first 6 weeks are up, and one class is finished. Sectional Anatomy, final grade 91% - which is a B, and I'll take it. It was a tough class. The next 6 weeks are shaping up to be very intense, so posting is probably going to be even less. Sorry, I know how everyone so looks forward to reading updates on Beaglehaus :-).

I started back to work at the Library today for a couple of hours. I'm going to try to work there on Wednesday mornings, and on Fridays when I normally don't have school. Tomorrow though is Consortium Day. This happens once a quarter when all the second year students do presentations on stuff they've seen in clinical so far, and the first year students help them get the presentations together. It's a full day of presentations and also everyone brings a bunch of food so we can all mingle and talk. We have to dress up too, so after I'm done with this post I need to go figure out what I'm wearing tomorrow. I'm making mac and cheese for the lunch, so I need to be cooking macaroni at around 6:30 am. Ick.

Jay's been on deadline so the past few nights he's had to work kind of late, but he was home at regular time tonight, and it's been nice having a night off from homework too. We're counting down days now until we go back to PA for Christmas and get to see everyone. Jason and I haven't been home in a year, and I really miss seeing everyone. I'd love to try to make more trips home next year, if we can swing it. We'll see.

Friday, November 02, 2007

We have fire!

So readers, you may or may not know that our new house has a fireplace...but we didn't use it at all last winter because the house inspector said we needed to get a chimney inspection done. Older homes sometimes have masonry loss in the chimney, which would mean a quick house fire if hot embers got between the brick and into the house. We put off the inspection basically because we expected bad news and didn't have the money to put in a new liner.

Today though I was really missing a fire (which is weird because it was a beautiful sunny day today), so I called a chimney inspection/cleaning company to make an appointment. Turns out the guy was really close to our house when I called and didn't have any appointments after he was done at his current place, so he said he could show up in about an hour.

Good news! He said the chimney was fine, just needed to be cleaned. Yay! He took care of the cleaning, advised us to get a creasote log, and we were good to go. Apparently the mason that did our fireplace used a good design as well as good mortar, and we had "minimal pocket loss".

So..we have fire! Just in time for the cold and rainy season. Life is good.