Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Candy Red Buttons

Happy Fourth of July. Here in Seattle it's a lovely day, sunny and warm. We took Mom and the beagles to Marymoor Park earlier for a picnic. The dogs had a great time and the humans did as well. After we took the dogs home we went to the Uwajimaya Market in the International District to stock up on some Pocky and Japanese soda.

So we all know that the birthday of our nation is the most dangerous holiday of the year. We here in Seattle are doing our part. The Japanese soda that Kelsey likes has this cool opening where you screw off the top, and then use this plunger thing in the top to push a marble down through the opening into the bottle which allows you to then enjoy the tasty sugar beverage.

On the side of the bottle is a warning:

  • Ask an adult to open the bottle for you.
  • Do not try to remove the marble from the bottle to avoid injury.


Out comes the pocket knife. 2 minutes pass. Out gushes the blood. A trip to the emergency room loomed large, but we settled for a butterfly bandage instead.

The patient is now resting calmly, although is still dreaming of getting the marble. We hope your Independence Day has less bloodshed.