Saturday, April 28, 2007

And We're Back!

Beaglehaus has recovered from its unfortunate incident, and we're back up .... finally. I know all of our regular readers (both of you) have been just dying to know what's up in Seattle. Here's a quick update.

  • Bathroom remodel is 95% finished...just some trim work to do. It is fantastic, and we love our new shower and tub more each time we use it. I will say, it will be a long, long time until I want to do another tiling project. I hated it. It looks pretty good for first-timers, but it was absolutely no fun at all.

  • I got into the Radiology program! I won't hear from about the ultrasound program for another 6 weeks or so, but we can breathe a huge sigh of relief that at least I was accepted into one of them, so my last two years of school weren't a waste of time. I'm kind of leaning towards Radiology right now though, because it starts sooner, I can graduate earlier, and there's less of a chance I'll have to do clinical far away from Seattle. Lots to think about.

  • Kelsey got her nose piereced. It's really cute.

  • Jay has been spending outrageous amounts of time at work....I'm talking not coming home until 3 - 4 in the morning, and then leaving again at 7:30 the next day. Blah. One or two more weeks of this and then he should be done. There's so much to do around the house, and we barely see him so it's really tough right now. Now that the bathroom is almost done, we want to start working on stuff for the back yard.

  • Meg is coming to visit for Mother's Day! Yay! We miss her terribly so we sent her a ticket. She only gets to come for a few days, but it will be great to see her.

  • We're finally all moved into the new house, out of the old rental, got 100% of our deposit back, and we don't have to worry about going back and forth anymore. What a pain that was. We used every last second of the 6 weeks we had to move too....we got out just in time :-)

  • I'm going to be an aunt again! My brother and sister-in-law are due sometime late November/early December. Kirk says that Krispy is feeling pretty bad these days, poor thing. Here's hoping that she's feeling better soon.

Hmmmm....after almost a month and a half of no updates, turns out I don't have as much to say as I thought I did. Have no fear though, I'll think of something soon.


nanny joan said...

well finally - it's good that you are back. meg said your puter crashed. What a bummer. Congrats again on getting accepted into the Radiology program. All that hard work really did pay off. You really are a wonder. You have so much talent and a lot of brains. You take after your Daddy in the brainy department - he wasn't much of a contractor..... But he was a hell of a shopper - Wayne reminds me of him, but Dad was not nuts about it. But he loved to go to the grocery store - you don't take after him in that department. I hate going to the grocery store. Take a look at Nanny's page because I am going to post on there next.